"Easy Eu event in Florence: join us to discuss environmental sustainability and the future of our planet"

On Thursday 8 June 2023, a special event organized by the Easy Eu project was held at the theater of the Il Colle Association, to compare young people and adults on the theme of environmental sustainability, respect for what surrounds us, the world we will leave to future generations.

On Thursday 8 June 2023, a special event organized by the Easy Eu project was held at the theater of the Il Colle Association, to compare young people and adults on the theme of environmental sustainability, respect for what surrounds us, the world we will leave to future generations.The Director of the European planning area of ​​Co@so, Patrizia Giorio, and Maddalena Bavazzano, an expert journalist on environmental issues, guided the evening by introducing the theme of environmental sustainability and presenting ideas to stimulate discussion. It was  a moment of sharing and comparison, in which everyone can contribute with ideas and proposals to make our world a better place for future generations.To cheer up the evening there was ahildren and young people of the CateCoro-Children's choir and Challenge teen choir.A rich aperitif closed the discussion and comparison session!


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