The Rural Hub - Event 1  Ireland  

The Rural Hub - Event 1 

Date: 22nd May 2023 


The Rural Hub hosted a seminar on innovative democratic approaches on 22nd May 2023. The event began with a warm welcome to participants, followed by an introduction to the significance of innovative democratic approaches and e-democracy in modern societies. Brendan Smith, an esteemed guest speaker, and expert in the field, delivered an engaging presentation on the advantages and challenges of EU membership, highlighting the potential of e-democracy to enhance citizen participation in decision-making processes.

The participants actively engaged in round table discussions, and divided into groups to explore specific topics related to democratic processes. The topics included:

1)      The link between local, national and EU Politics

2)      Benefits of being an EU member state

3)      Accessibility of EU representatives

4)      The benefits of voting

Overall, the event provided a platform for participants to explore and discuss innovative democratic approaches and e-Democracy. The results highlighted the importance of EU membership, the role of e-democracy in enhancing citizen engagement, and the need for accessible communication channels with EU representatives. The event successfully fostered dialogue, critical thinking, and collaboration among the participants, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the discussed topics. The one-day event on innovative democratic approaches and tools (e-Democracy) successfully brought together 41 participants at the Cavan Crystal Hotel in Cavan, Ireland. The agenda encompassed guest speaker sessions, and round table discussions on essential topics, and concluded with a Q&A and open discussion segment. This comprehensive agenda facilitated in-depth exchanges of ideas throughout the day.

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“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union.
Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”